Sat.May 13, 2023 - Fri.May 19, 2023

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Sustainability 101: What is net zero?

Cisco Smart Manufacturing

Do you feel a bit lost when people refer to certain environmental sustainability topics and aren’t sure where to start when it comes to learning more?

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Manufacturing Supply Chain Management – Best Practices for SMEs


Supply chain management encompasses everything from negotiating vendor contracts for raw materials to handling returns of a product. While it is a central concept for any company producing or selling physical goods or even services, this post focuses on the importance and best practices of SCM from the perspective of small and medium manufacturers. What […] The post Manufacturing Supply Chain Management – Best Practices for SMEs appeared first on Blog for Manufacturers and Distributors.


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Stilfold patents “industrial origami” manufacturing technology

The Fabricator

Swedish design and technology company Stilfold, the parent company of electromobility startup Stilride, has been granted its first patent right for its “industrial origami” manufacturing technology.

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Drives for speed in intralogistics

Design World

Competitive intralogistics requires extensive automation, something that is inconceivable without micromotors. Drive systems from FAULHABER prove their ability to perform here during sorting, transporting, and with robotics solutions. Suitable transport structures in intralogistics are a prerequisite in all industries to be able to withstand competitive pressure in the future.

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5 Ways CMMS Software Transformed Broderick's Manufacturing Plant: A Case Study

Discover how CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management System) transformed and revitalized Broderick's manufacturing plant in 5 productive ways. Before the CMMS, the plant faced challenges such as reactive maintenance due to staff shortages, inefficient inventory management, and poor team communication. With the CMMS, the plant experienced increased equipment uptime, streamlined maintenance processes, enhanced inventory management, improved communication, and better decision-making through real-

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3D Printing Viability Determination

Automation World

Awareness of 3D printing’s use beyond prototypes is becoming more well known. But how do you know if a part or product should be 3D printed or produced via traditional methods?

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Building a Temperature Controller Simulator Using OpenPLC and an Arduino

Variable control allows external conditions, like temperature, to be monitored so the controller can activate devices to heat or cool the system as needed. Simulate a temp controller with low-cost components!


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DigiKey brand refresh reflects company evolution and commerce leadership

Design World

DigiKey, a leading global commerce distributor offering the largest selection of technical components and automation products in stock for immediate shipment, today unveiled an update to its brand system including a refreshed logo, updated color palette and typeface, tagline, simplified name and updated brand voice. The new look was debuted at the EDS Leadership Summit… The post DigiKey brand refresh reflects company evolution and commerce leadership appeared first on Design World.

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Data Standards Won’t Solve Your Interoperability Problems

Automation World

Industry standards are important but, on their own, they cannot tell a use-case driven story. However, when paired with an industrial data ops solution, they can help expedite data modeling to deliver contextualized, intelligent insights.

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75 per cent of Irish data watchdog’s GDPR decisions overruled


The report indicates that 75 per cent of the Data Protection Commission’s (DPC's) decisions in cross-border investigations over a five-year period were subsequently overruled by the European Data Protection Board (EDPB), which felt the Irish watchdog's decisions were not sufficiently stringent. The EDPB had demanded tougher enforcement action in these cases, the report by the Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL) said, with only one other country in one other case overruled in such a manner.

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The virtues of bend simulation for press brakes and helping a shop's downstream

The Fabricator

If bending is a mess in a sheet metal fabrication shop, so is virtually everything else. That’s why simulating bending jobs before they reach the press brake and the rest of the shop floor makes so much sense.

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Navigating the Future: Generative AI, Application Analytics, and Data

Generative AI is upending the way product developers & end-users alike are interacting with data. Despite the potential of AI, many are left with questions about the future of product development: How will AI impact my business and contribute to its success? What can product managers and developers expect in the future with the widespread adoption of AI?

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Wireless module connects sensors to the cloud

Design World

InnoPhase IoT, Inc. announced multiple end-to-end (E2E) sensor-to-cloud customer solutions based on its Talaria TWO Wi-Fi/BLE SoC and modules. The solutions accelerate the transition to battery-powered cloud-connected IoT market applications. By delivering an approximately 10+ year battery-operated sensor solution featuring a lower power consumption Wi-Fi module and optimized cloud connectivity reference software, InnoPhase IoT is fueling […] The post Wireless module connects sensors to th

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Top Industrial Machine Vision Applications

Automation World

From detecting difficult-to-find flaws and missing components to expanding robot applications and improving palletizing operations, machine vision technologies are rapidly moving beyond basic presence, absence and orientation applications.

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Is your car safe from a cyber attack?


In January 2022, 19-year-old David Colombo from Dinkelsbühl, Germany, announced via Twitter that he had been able to hack at least 25 Tesla vehicles in 13 countries and partially take them over. “So, I now have full remote control of over 25 Teslas in 13 countries and there seems to be no way to find the owners and report it to them,” he tweeted. Luckily, Colombo’s intentions were good.

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Osaro targets fast-growing subscription market with AI-powered kitting robots

Robotics Automation News

Osaro, a developer of machine-learning-enabled robotics for e-commerce, has launched the Osaro Robotic Kitting System. This addition to its range of e-commerce robots is equipped with advanced piece-picking skills and end effectors to handle the constantly changing array of product SKUs that must be organized, placed, and packaged into custom kits.

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The Key to Sustainable Energy Optimization: A Data-Driven Approach for Manufacturing

Speaker: Kevin Kai Wong, President of Emergent Energy Solutions

In today's industrial landscape, the pursuit of sustainable energy optimization and decarbonization has become paramount. ♻️ Manufacturing corporations across the U.S. are facing the urgent need to align with decarbonization goals while enhancing efficiency and productivity. Unfortunately, the lack of comprehensive energy data poses a significant challenge for manufacturing managers striving to meet their targets. 📊 Join us for a practical webinar hosted by Kevin Kai Wong of Emergent Ene

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ABB to showcase next-generation robotic technologies at Automate 2023

Design World

ABB Robotics will feature next-generation robotic technologies enabling businesses to efficiently adapt production to variable market demands at the Huntington Place Convention Center in Detroit at Automate 2023, May 22–25 (Booth #5623). With an emphasis on flexibility and simplicity, ABB’s mission is to provide the benefits of the automation industry’s most comprehensive and integrated portfolio… The post ABB to showcase next-generation robotic technologies at Automate 2023 appeared first

Robotics 173
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Former U.S. Army diver dives into the fine art of metal sculptures

The Fabricator

As a U.S. Army diver, Patrick Andrews learned how to assess situations, consider all angles, and even improvise when needed. Turns out, those skills have broad applicability—even in his PSA Custom Creations art studio making metal sculptures.

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Hands-on review: Dyson Zone


Do you remember when Google launched its now-discontinued Glass wearable computer? The entire world acted like mean schoolkids, rounding on early adopters of the tech and calling them Glassholes. The response was predictable, awful, hilarious. Well, Dyson’s new wearable is technologically impressive but equally Marmitey and puts you at risk of playground insults.

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Generative design: nTopology blazing a trail through 3D printing world

Robotics Automation News

One of the most impressive features of the nTopology design application is that it requires substantially less computing power. According to the company’s – and its partners’ – calculations, file sizes can be 99 percent smaller compared with traditional 3D design software.

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Modernizing MES: A Guide for Complex Manufacturers Adapting to Industry 4.0

As engineers push the boundaries of innovation with groundbreaking hardware products, their success depends largely on the speed and efficiency of production. The challenge? Manual processes and disparate systems lead to multiple versions of documents, incomplete records, and duplicated work, creating a chaotic system of records that is difficult to manage.

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ABB predicts top US robotics trends

Design World

• Labor shortages present new opportunities for robotic automation • AI and connected digital networks will make robots easier to use, enabling them to take on more tasks in new industries • More specialist partnerships between industry and educators will close the robotics skills gap With annual revenue in the U.S. robotics market expected to… The post ABB predicts top US robotics trends appeared first on Design World.

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Aluminum Etc.: What is military-grade aluminum?

The Fabricator

Readers send Aluminum Etc. columnist Gina Cutts questions all the time. In her latest column, she answers one reader’s question about military-grade aluminum.

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BT to cut 55,000 jobs by 2030; AI replacing some roles


BT Group has become the latest big company to announce significant layoffs after the firm revealed its plans to cut between 40,000 and 55,000 jobs - including contractors - by the end of the decade. The telecoms giant currently has around 130,000 employees worldwide, with about 80,000 staff in the UK. A pproximately 30,000 of those employees are contractors employed through third parties.

Robotics 111
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Does a Five-Axis Machine Increase Business?

Modern Machine Shop

Machine shop supervisor Kenny Urban stands at Meyer Tool and Manufacturing’s first five-axis machine, a Hurco VMX42SRTi. The shop added this machine five years ago when it won a bid for a particularly complex part. “We take on a lot of that work that other companies shy away from because it's complex,” says Kenny Urban, machine shop supervisor at Meyer Tool and Manufacturing. “Our motto is we build the impossible.” Meyer Tool’s reputation for building the

Lead Time 111
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Mastering Digital Transformation: Your Guide to a Successful MES Implementation

70% of digital transformation projects fail (BCG, 2020). In an industry where most large software implementations falter, we recognize the importance of planning, optimization, and execution. With over 25 years of industry experience and countless successful implementations, MASS Group is opening the vault of tips and tricks to provide a complimentary step-by-step guide in implementing a Work-In-Progress (WIP) tracking software.

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Mitsubishi Electric agrees strategic investment in Otto Motors to accelerate industrial automation

Robotics Automation News

Mitsubishi Electric, a factory automation solutions provider, has agreed a strategic investment in Clearpath Robotics, the parent company of autonomous mobile robot leader, Otto Motors.

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Control Engineering Career and Salary Survey, 2023

Control Engineering

Learning Objectives Learn about key threats to manufacturing from the 2023 Control Engineering Career and Salary Survey. Examine skills needed to advance in engineering. Compare and benchmark your career progress with peers. Continuing manufacturing workforce shortages and the economy were cited as the biggest threats to manufacturing; threat of worker shortages was cited by 48% of respondents, down from 57% in 2022, but still up significantly from 37% in 2021.

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Face unlock systems on smartphones tricked with printed face picture


Since August 2022, the consumer firm has tested 48 new smartphones of which 19 (40 per cent) can be easily spoofed with a photo to get past the phone’s lock screen and gain access to the data on the device. The testers said that photos of the user, whose real-life image was registered with the device, were not even particularly high-resolution and were printed on a standard office printer on normal, rather than photo, paper.

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Signs of a growing business model: Hex Head Art takes wall art to the next level

The Fabricator

Hex Head Art’s 3D wall art, which includes licensed sports team logos, has proven so popular that it needed a new laser cutting machine to keep up with the work.

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How Embedded Analytics Gets You to Market Faster with a SAAS Offering

Start-ups & SMBs launching products quickly must bundle dashboards, reports, & self-service analytics into apps. Customers expect rapid value from your product (time-to-value), data security, and access to advanced capabilities. Traditional Business Intelligence (BI) tools can provide valuable data analysis capabilities, but they have a barrier to entry that can stop small and midsize businesses from capitalizing on them.

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Google’s industrial robotics business unit Intrinsic chooses Comau as first project partner

Robotics Automation News

Comau, a specialist maker of industrial robotics and automation products and systems, has been unveiled as the first industry partner of Intrinsic, a business unit of Alphabet, which is the stock market name for Google.

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3 Rules of Thumb for Buying New Equipment or Technology

Modern Machine Shop

Photo Credit: Getty Images As manufacturers, we are in one of the most capital-intensive industries, and it can seem like we are always investing in our businesses without pause. Technology is constantly advancing, and it can be a struggle to keep up. This is why I have come up with some rules over the past 50 years for purchasing new equipment and technology.

Lead Time 105
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UK energy independence under threat from falling North Sea production


According to a report by The Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit (ECIU), under current conditions, gas import dependence has the potential to grow by 60 per cent by 2035. This is anticipated to have “major financial implications”, including a profound negative impact on the UK’s balance of trade and household finances. Between 2024 and 2035, a household using typical amounts of gas would have paid £5,700 to overseas gas producers.

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Global Plastics Treaty Talks: Buckle Up for Round Two

Plastics Today

Ahead of the meeting in Paris at the end of May, the United Nations’ environmental body issued a report claiming countries can reduce plastic pollution by 80% by 2040 through existing technologies and major policy changes.

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Future Focus: Constructing Unshakeable Stability in Your Manufacturing Supply Chain

Speaker: Jay Black, Senior Account Executive

We’ve all heard the buzzwords to describe new supply chain trends: resiliency, sustainability, AI, machine learning. But what do these really mean today? Over the past few years, manufacturing has had to adapt to and overcome a wide variety of supply chain trends and disruptions to stay as stable as possible. Stability has become key in this post-COVID world, and will remain key moving forward.