Industry Shapes the Future of Automation

Dec. 3, 2022
Companies such as Pfizer, Shell, ExxonMobil, and Intel show the value of automation and where it’s headed through their use of specific technologies.

Quick hits:

  • Pfizer increased its initial target of 100 million COVID vaccine doses to 3.2 billion doses in the span of one year with historian software.
  • Shell’s exploration of digital twins led to its creation of asset data models that integrate industry standards and corporate standards.
  • ExxonMobil performs a rip and replace for a new open process automation system using the open IEC 61499 standard for control logic.
  • Intel uses the IEC 61499 runtime standard to create a new generation of distributed control nodes.

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About the Author

David Greenfield, editor in chief | Editor in Chief

David Greenfield joined Automation World in June 2011. Bringing a wealth of industry knowledge and media experience to his position, David’s contributions can be found in AW’s print and online editions and custom projects. Earlier in his career, David was Editorial Director of Design News at UBM Electronics, and prior to joining UBM, he was Editorial Director of Control Engineering at Reed Business Information, where he also worked on Manufacturing Business Technology as Publisher. 

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