World Leaders Need to Create Energy-Efficient Policies, Danfoss CEO Says

Sept. 8, 2023
Danfoss president and CEO spoke at the IEA's 8th Annual Global Conference on Energy Efficiency, held in Versailles, France, in June.

At the International Energy Agency (IEA)’s 8th Annual Global Conference on Energy Efficiency in June, Danfoss president and CEO Kim Fausing implored world leaders to help battle climate change and ensure energy security through energy-efficient policies.

The Sønderborg Action Plan was adopted at the IEA’s last conference in Denmark to reduce energy demand and increase energy supply. While Fausing acknowledged the good that came from it, including advancing the energy transition and benefitting businesses, he stressed that there was still a long way to go.

“This was a turning point, but now is not the time to rest,” he said. “Rather, it’s time to implement, execute and follow-up on energy efficiency and machine productivity.”

Read more about Fausing’s plans for the energy transition in this article from partner publication Control.

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