Monash Precinct Network paves the way for research, manufacturing growth

Pictured (l-r), Professor Margaret Gardner AC, President and Vice-Chancellor, Monash University; Matt Fregan MP, Member for Ashwood; Andrew Peele, Group Executive Nuclear Science and Technology and Director Australian Synchrotron, ANSTO; Nicky Luo, Deputy Mayor of the City of Monash; Frankie Carroll, Chief Executive Officer, Suburban Rail Loop Authority; Bronwyn Fox, Chief Scientist CSIRO; Carina Garland MP, Member for Chisholm. Image credit: Monash University

Matt Fregon MP, Victorian Member for Ashwood, has formally launched the Monash Precinct Network, which will hasten the city’s development as a major hub for global research and manufacturing.

The creation of the network, which has been led by Monash University as a founding partner, brings together business, science, and education organisations with the government to foster the connections and collaboration necessary to guarantee ongoing innovation.

In the manufacturing segment, the Monash Precinct Network welcomed Moderna’s new mRNA vaccine manufacturing facility, now under construction.

It also houses the Medicines Manufacturing Innovation Centre, the Victorian Health Innovation Centre, the Australian Cyclotron and the Smart Manufacturing Hub.

Monash President and Vice-Chancellor Professor Margaret Gardner AC said that one of Australia’s most powerful and rapidly expanding hubs for international research, education, innovation, and business is the Monash Technology Precinct.

“Centred around Monash University’s Clayton campus, it is a hub of discovery and ideas, new ventures, skills and jobs creation across future-focused industries, health and sustainable development,” she remarked. 

“The Monash Precinct Network will further accelerate the growth of this ecosystem by fostering collaboration and interconnection, driving innovation, creating commercial opportunities and developing pipelines of global talent,” Gardner added. 

Meanwhile, Monash Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Enterprise and Engagement) and Senior Vice-President Professor Doron Ben-Meir, stated that the network will serve as the hub for locally and globally connected organisations and people in industry, education, research, and government that are focused on high growth and innovation.

The Monash Precinct Network is open to all innovation-focused organisations with a presence in the Monash and wider Southeast Melbourne region.