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AI camera chip allows overlays in live video streams

13 November, 2023

The German machine vision specialist IDS has collaborated with Ambarella, a developer of consumer visual AI products, to produce a new class of intelligent industrial camera that acts as an edge device and generates AI overlays in live video streams.

The IDS NXT malibu camera uses Ambarella’s CVflow AI vision system-on-chip (SoC) technology and takes advantage of its advanced image-processing and on-camera AI capabilities. Image analyses can be performed at high speeds – faster than 25 frames per second – and displayed as live overlays in compressed video streams.

The SoC’s image signal processor processes information captured by the image sensor on the camera and this is accelerated by its built-in hardware. The camera also offers automatic functions, such as brightness, noise and colour correction, improving image quality “significantly”.

"With IDS NXT malibu, we have developed an industrial camera that can analyse images in real time and incorporate results directly into video streams,” explains IDS’ product innovation manager, Kai Hartmann. “The combination of on-camera AI with compression and streaming is a novelty in the industrial setting, opening up new application scenarios for intelligent image processing.”

IDS’ new intelligent camera acts as an edge device

Jerome Gigot, Ambarella’s senior director of marketing, suggests that the new camera “represents a new class of industrial-grade edge AI cameras, achieving fast inference times and high image quality”.

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