CSIRO calls on Aussie researchers to join ON Prime round

Image credit: csiro.au

Australia’s national science agency, CSIRO, has opened applications for the latest round of ON Prime, a program designed to help research teams undertake customer discovery and market validation activities. 

In partnership with the UniSQ-led iLAuNCH program, CSIRO’s ON Prime program targets teams of two to five people at any stage of their project across all disciplines. 

The nine-week program intends to equip participants with a deeper understanding of the people who could benefit the most from their research, all while sharpening skills to communicate with the audience. 

The program will feature expert facilitators who will help researchers build evidence for the impact of their studies, allowing participants to make a significant impact on the world and attract the resources needed along the way, CSIRO said in its recent call for applications.  

Remotely delivered sessions will be spaced out by approximately two weeks apart, allowing teams to undertake stakeholder engagement activities. 

Applications for the latest round close on 10 February, while the delivery is expected to run from April to June. 

Interested teams are required to register through the ON Prime online application portal. Each application is evaluated by multiple experts from CSIRO’s extended network. The highest-rated applications will be invited to participate in ON Prime. 

The program’s previous round was delivered between October to December 2022, with a showcase event in early 2023. 

ON Prime was initially developed as part of CSIRO’s Innovation Catalyst in 2015 and has delivered industry-leading innovation training and support to thousands of people from Australian universities and research institutes.