Replique Launches Material Database to Simplify Selection in Additive Manufacturing

Replique has announced the launch of a comprehensive and open material database for 3D printing, making the collective material knowledge (with support from its trusted material partners) accessible within the 3D printing community, ultimately streamlining the use of additive manufacturing (AM) for businesses.

Replique Launches Material Database to Simplify Selection in Additive Manufacturing

Mannheim, Germany - 12 October 2023. Replique, the provider of a decentralized 3D printing platform for the secure and reliable production of industrial-grade parts, is proud to announce the launch of a comprehensive and open material database for 3D printing at Formnext. With this step, Replique is making the collective material knowledge (with support from its trusted material partners) accessible within the 3D printing community, ultimately streamlining the use of additive manufacturing (AM) for businesses.

The careful and informed selection of materials is crucial for the success of AM projects. So far however, this research process has been manual and labor-intensive. Replique's material database now provides users with an intuitive platform that empowers them to select the ideal materials for their specific applications. This not only saves time and costs but also guarantees the quality of additive manufactured components in terms of material requirements. The database features various filtering options, including technical specifications, industry standards, and application fields. Additionally, it will offer quick access to reference cases and certificates in the future, eliminating the need for time-consuming inquiries. This data is the result of partnerships established with renowned material manufacturers in the past year.

Dr. Henrike Wonneberger, CEO, and Co-Founder of Replique, explains: "Through our daily engagement with material data, we have built a rich knowledge hub that we are now eager to share with the wider community. The launch of our material database represents another significant step in our mission to drive the industrialization of additive manufacturing and provide comprehensive support to our customers at every stage of their journey."

It's not just end-users who benefit from the material database. Printer manufacturers, service providers, and other interested companies can also leverage and contribute to the database, enriching their work and services with material insights. The advantage lies in the database's design as an open system. As a result, the material data will be accessible not only through the Replique platform directly but also through an API interface in the near future. All data will be available behind a free password barrier for the convenience of all interested parties.

The material database serves as another essential component of Replique's comprehensive ecosystem, which includes various services, such as Additive Marking who enable the traceability of 3D printed parts. This holistic approach ensures that Replique's users can access all the necessary information and services conveniently within a single central interface - the Replique platform.
Replique is committed to expanding the platform further with additional services in the future. Dr. Max Siebert, CEO and Co-Founder of Replique, emphasized: "For all those looking to benefit from our platform or connect their own services, we are here to assist. Simply visit Replique's booth at Formnext in Hall 12.1, Booth A107. We're looking forward to exploring the huge potential of 3D printing together and shaping the future of this pioneering technology."

About Replique GmbH
Replique GmbH provides a secure digital manufacturing platform that enables OEMs to provide parts on-demand to their customers through a global and decentralized 3D printing network of more than 85 facilities. As an end-to-end solution, Replique supports its customers along the entire value chain, including design, technology and material selection, as well as digital warehousing. The solution easily integrates into the existing system landscape (e.g. ERP systems, e-commerce), and is already used by several OEM, such as Alstom and Miele. Replique was founded by BASF employees from the fields of material science and digitization.

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