How Does Beckhoff Play a Role in Developing OPC UA?

Feb. 14, 2024
Beckhoff's longstanding involvement and expertise in OPC UA further solidify its position as a leader in providing state-of-the-art solutions for automation engineers.

Brandon Stiffler, who recently rejoined Beckhoff Automation as a software product manager, brings with him a wealth of experience in HMI, machine learning and simulation, among other automation technologies rooted in computer science.

His return to Beckhoff signifies a strategic focus on advancing TwinCAT software, particularly in areas such as visualization, simulation and integration with third-party technologies like MatLab/Simulink. Stiffler's background in TwinCAT and his understanding of complex industrial automation applications position him well to lead the development of innovative solutions within Beckhoff's software portfolio.

Furthermore, Stiffler's insights into OPC UA highlight its significance in modern manufacturing operations. With a focus on its information-modeling capabilities and its role in facilitating interoperability among diverse automation vendors, Stiffler emphasizes the substantial advantages OPC UA brings in terms of streamlining communication, reducing engineering efforts and ultimately leading to cost savings.

His discussions on OPC UA's impact on Industry 4.0 initiatives, security, scalability, and future innovations, detailed in an article from partner publication Control Design, provide valuable insights for automation engineers looking to leverage this technology effectively in their projects.

Learn more about Stiffler’s and Beckhoff Automation’s development of OPC UA abilities in the full article from Control Design.

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