South Australian-made pneumococcal vaccine to undergo human trials

Professor James Paton, Chief Scientific Officer for GPN Vaccines and Director of the Research Centre for Infectious Diseases at the University of Adelaide, has led the development of a universal pneumococcal vaccine. Image credit:

GPN Vaccines, a South Australian biotech company, has successfully developed a new universal vaccine that targets a pneumonia-causing bacterium. 

Developed in collaboration with the University of Adelaide, the Gamma-PN Vaccine is scheduled to undergo a clinical trial involving 50 to 69-year-olds at CMAX, a major clinical trial centre in Adelaide, in January. 

Gamma-PN targets the Streptococcus pneumoniae bacterium, which is found in the respiratory tract of most people and can invade deeper tissues and cause fatal diseases, such as pneumonia, septicaemia, and meningitis. It can also cause ear infections in children. 

The pneumococcal vaccine was manufactured at the newly established and TGA-certified BioCINA facility at Therbaton, according to Lauren Giorgio, chief operating officer at GPN Vaccines. 

Giorgio said the vaccine’s successful development has been underpinned by access to cutting-edge research, development, and manufacturing facilities in Adelaide. 

Compared to existing vaccines— which cover up to 23 types of the bacterium— the new Gamma-PN vaccine was designed to protect against all 100 known types, including any future types that could emerge. 

The vaccine’s human trials will be followed by further research at the University of Adelaide. 

“To have impact, vaccines must be safe and easy to biomanufacture. Gamma-PN is unique in terms of its ability to offer a strong and broad biological response while being easy to manufacture,” said Professor Anton Middelberg, deputy vice-chancellor for research at the University of Adelaide

“The University, as a global top 100 powerhouse, is proud to partner with GPN Vaccines and BioCina to drive positive health impact for the world, from South Australia,” Middelberg added. 

“Streptococcus pneumoniae, also known as the pneumococcus, is considered one of the biggest bacterial killers in the world and is a significant concern for children and the elderly. Our research to date has shown Gamma-PN is safe, produces a very strong immune response and offers protection against all pneumococcal types tested. It also works better without an adjuvant, meaning it does not contain aluminium like many other vaccines,” said Professor James Paton, chief scientific officer at GPN Vaccines, and director for the University of Adelaide’s Research Centre for Infectious Diseases. 

The SA government’s Research Commercialisation Startup Fund is backing the vaccine’s clinical trial, along with private investors from Australia and abroad.