November 2022

This month of November 2022 sees the first anniversary of the relocation of my place of residence, which is also the strong symbol of my family’s desired change in life. So far, one year after, a very satisfying change from all points of view.

I took the opportunity, before initiating this change, to test some consultant’s tools to rationalize the decision, because the origin of the desire for the change was more emotional and intuitive. Among the tested tools, the most important, in my opinion, are:

  • The SWOT matrix (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) applied to my own case, in order to check the attractiveness of my resume.
  • The Goal Tree, with which I rationally analyzed all the essential prerequisites for achieving this Goal of a new life, in a new environment.
  • Evaporating Cloud, which we would do better to name ‘Conflict Resolution Diagram’, to rationally test whether it is better to be content with my situation or to dare to change.

The check having found no rational contradiction, but clarity about all prerequisites for the change to be a success, the change was decided and committed with enthusiasm.

Maybe something to consider for yourself?

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